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International Women’s Day (IWD) March (2023)

Home / Blog / International Women’s Day (IWD) March (2023)

On Saturday, March 4th, Vice-President, Jinkie David spoke at the Annual International Women’s Day Mary Spratt Breakfast.

The Mary Spratt breakfast is hosted every year on the morning of the International Women’s Day march, by the Steelworkers’ Toronto Area Council.

After the breakfast, Toronto Public Library Workers, with family and friends, joined hundreds of other unions and community groups across the GTA at the rally, followed by the International Women’s Day march.

It was a rousing day of events, celebrating the achievements of women’s rights activists throughout herstory, and it energized all of us for the continuing fights which lay ahead.

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Joined @cupelocal79 on the @OPSEU picket line today! LCBO workers are fighting to keep the $2.5 B in LCBO revenue in our public healthcare, education, & housing, & not to billionaires! Join the fight => http://keepitpublic.ca #onlab #onpoli